Sunday, August 21, 2011

Random Kindness; Intentioned Gratitude

From an email I received today:

Hi Pete,
. . .

I do hope that all is well with you. I can tell you that I am on Social Security and seeking work teaching overseas. I remember you visiting me and helping me get the job at the trucking company. You are the only person who ever did either. So I am happy to learn that you seem to be doing well.

Again Thank You.

[name withheld]

It has been 26 years since I’ve talked to this friend – who ended up fired from the job referenced. As I recall, at the time, my friend must have been a little too embarrassed to remain in contact and the phone number I had was disconnected.

I wish I had invested more energy into staying in touch . . . three different jobs, two job relocations, and a whole lot of miles are reasons for not staying in touch. They are not, however, excuses.

One thing that does strike me is the power of what each of us may consider small actions. It was a cold December afternoon that I traveled to Lansing, Michigan in 1984 to visit. We had lunch; I saw where this friend lived and we reminisced about our time together in school – a rather unremarkable event.

That it still means something to this friend, is humbling.

Something else strikes me. How affected I am by receiving this email. That my perceived kindness didn’t stale and warranted a note of thanks nearly three decades later is a powerful thing to consider. I’m revisiting the many acts of kindness given for my benefit and going to make sure I’ve properly acknowledged each.

Let us go through life committing random acts of kindness while committing intentional gratitude.

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Please be nice, sit up straight, don't mumble, be kind to animals and your family.