Monday, November 5, 2012

T'was the night before voting. . .

T’was the eve before polling and all through the night,

Not a pundit was quiet; not from the left nor the right.

The ballots were readied with precision and care,

In hopes that voters soon would be there.

The children of states painted all in reds,

Had visions of a new president locked in their heads.

Those sleeping in states traditionally blue,

Were confident the current guy would happily do.

When out of the media came such a clatter,

I was startled from sleep to discover the matter.

Changing the station to ComCen in a flash,

There is Jon Stewart spouting some trash:

“Romney’s a business guy; he’s mean and uncaring,”

Stewart went on with oaths and too much swearing.

“Obama’s a fake; he wasn’t born here,”

Roared The Donald for all 'round to hear.

“Hold up!” Cried all the reasoning voters,

“We’re tired of spin and sick of promoters!

“We’ve had it with attacks and slinging the mud,

“No country can survive with all this bad blood.”

A discussion of issues was the voters’ real aim

And then they silenced the hacks, calling them out by name:

“Hush Matthews, hush Sean, hush Maddow and Cameron,

Hush Dowd, hush Moyers, hush Limbaugh and Krugman”

Voting is a privilege and also a right

Taken often for granted and treated too light.

Don’t be persuaded by celebrity or guile,

Pre-read your ballot 'cause your vote is worthwhile.

Tomorrow, we decide who will be president,

Who then will be the next White House resident?

While passions are high, and tho you and I may disagree,

I urge you to vote - in person or absentee.

God Bless America – long may she shine

We are in this together, that’s our bottom line.

Whoever wins, there will be another day,

But vote, dear friends, don’t dare lose your say!

Ballot box image reported to be in the public domain and available here:  Ballot Box


Please be nice, sit up straight, don't mumble, be kind to animals and your family.