Tuesday, August 4, 2020

I don't "Gotcha"

Ya know, I just got a call. The caller wanted me to know that President Trump mispronounced Yosemite. Okay, got it – he made a mistake.

I remember when President Obama claimed to have visited all “57 states” during his campaign.

President Bush (43) couldn’t pronounce “nuclear” to the satisfaction of detractors.

President Clinton argued that it mattered what one considered the definition of “is” is.

President Bush (41) was chided for never seeing grocery store scanning capability.

President Reagan quipped on a hot mic:  "My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing begins in five minutes."

President Carter admitted: "I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times."

Of course, President Ford drove his golf shots into crowds and fell with some frequency. And, who can forget President Nixon’s famous line, “I am not a crook.”  President Johnson lifted his beagles from their ears and President Kennedy had at least one pretty famous indiscretion. Ike had an awful temper and Harry threatened to beat the crap out of a newspaper critic. Shall I go on?


Playing “gotcha” doesn’t advance us as a country – it is, of course, a way to sell television and radio advertising and, perhaps, gratify various voters. But, how does it help John/Jane Q. Public muster the resources for his/her family? How does it teach children the value of public service? How will these “gotchas” make us safer? More prosperous? Educate children? Help the downcast?

Okay, sure . . . if one goes into public office, he/she is subject to this granular scrutiny. But how does it help move us forward as a country?


Image reported to be in the public domain and available here:  http://www.clker.com/clipart-681033.html

1 comment:

  1. Amen. Sick of the divisiveness. I was hoping the health crisis would make us come together but it seems to have made it worse. Let's keep working toward a more kind and gentle world one act at a time.


Please be nice, sit up straight, don't mumble, be kind to animals and your family.