Thursday, July 11, 2019

With a little help from my friends

Been a full week. Had two hernias repaired on Wednesday, July 3 (which is far better than the original surgery date of 8/16). . . everything (so far) points to total success with the surgery. Pain? Hell, yeah. But a correct dosage of prescription and OTC analgesics have kept the beast (mostly) at bay. Lots of bruising and a fair amount of swelling. I’m sure I’ll survive.

What is the most important message of this post is my utter thanks to the many friends who have seen me through the process. Ann came the evening before to make sure that the beds had fresh linen and that my larder was well stocked. Tami took me to the surgery, stayed, and ushered me home (with homemade soup). Jennifer came the evening of the surgery (after Tami’s departure) to sit with me and keep me from lifting, carrying, etc. When Jennifer had to leave, Renae came to spend the night so I’d have a baby sitter through the first 24 hours – Renae crashed in the guest room next to my room so that if I called out in the night, she’d hear me.

Renae had to leave early on the fourth for a family event – but my pal Craig came and patiently tolerated my whines from the lack of residual meds I enjoyed on day one. He left late morning and Grant and Annie came early afternoon to attend to this beaten soul. Grant cooked all afternoon for an event later that day (remember, this is 7/4) and Annie decided that the place needed vacuuming. Grant left some goodies for the balance of my week of rehabilitation.

Friday, 7/5, friends from Domino’s days (1985 – 1993) came late morning to keep me company and feed me well – thank you Dana and Janet! That evening, Pam and Chuck brought dinner and a number of laughs!

Saturday, Tami came that morning to rescue me from stir-crazed boredom – we went to the grocery store and out to breakfast. That raised my spirits significantly!

Sunday, one planned visit ended up not working – but my neighbors Elizabeth and Tony came to my rescue with groceries and company!

Monday – my friend Paulette came that afternoon with leftovers from their Independence Day party – lamb, bean salad with feta, Armenian potato salad, etc. We sat on the front porch and enjoyed the rockers and the view.

Tuesday, I thought I’d be fine to drive. Um, no. Learned that lesson

Wednesday, tried driving again – not as bad, but not ideal. Thankfully, my pal Craig came by that evening to distract me from overdoing the day.

Today, Thursday, Bruce brought dinner and good company – and attended to a chore that, while not critical, was annoying to the view from the porch!

I also need to thank and acknowledge friends who also offered their help during the recovery process: Karen, Patty, Vicki, Jared, David, Peter, and Kathy. I also want to mention that my brother, upon hearing my diagnosis, immediately asked if he could help. I may still rely on your kindness!

Twelve years of Catholic education recall the Corporal Works of Mercy . . . and to visit the sick was one of the seven. Well, in less than a week, some 20 of my friends have fulfilled this work of mercy. I’m thankful, humbled, and hope I can be there for you someday!

Image reported to be in the public domain and can be found: Here


Please be nice, sit up straight, don't mumble, be kind to animals and your family.