Friday, April 19, 2013

More Boston

The suspects have been dispatched to the tomb or the authorities. Over 170 people were harmed – many horrifically maimed – and three dead at the race, a police officer killed, and others wounded. Not everyone hospitalized is certain to recover.

The suspects’ father has – as I suppose any father would at this point – vehemently defended his sons’ honor while denying their culpability.

In our justice system, we presume the accused as innocent prior to trial – even if we must while begrudged.

This isn’t the first major terror slap to the face since 9/11 (Fort Hood, Benghazi, the domestic violence in Colorado, Connecticut, Texas, Virginia, etc.) but this seems to have a special drama. Its setting? The traditions surrounding the Marathon? The random disregard to life (though, this disregard seems an echo to so many other tragic events)?

Is our reality permanently altered?

I remember when I was a grade-schooler who precociously read more than the comics in each issue of The Monroe Evening News. Often, there were reports of bombings or other violence in the Middle East, London, Northern Ireland, or other locations, I distinctly remember feeling thankful that I lived in America where that didn’t happen. I guess reality is altered.

I have no particular wisdom to share. I ask that we all pray and try really hard to get along. I also ask a fair hearing for Martin Richard’s message: “No more hurting people. Peace.”


Please be nice, sit up straight, don't mumble, be kind to animals and your family.